Yes this is exactly what you have in mind upon looking at it, and it's dated months back. Honestly, I sucked big time, if this was something that had deadlines on it, cause I'd be blown to oblivion! Anyways, it's just the calender girls that were running on stage, back in January. Nothing much, just couple of shots. For those who don't know about Sensuala, keyword: Lingerie! Before we continue allow me to apologize first, the following pictures may not show the entire event, as I didn't have much space to move around. I just took what I could =)

This was a shot taken on the way to Mist Club =)

My pass to the event!

What's a club without booze?!

All the photographers were pretty pumped up!

I love 'em lights!

A lil performance to entertain the crowd,
They were shaking booty and body~!


*coughs* "Nice view, guys?"

Serena C (host) and the big guys of Sensuala, officiating the night

Yea, we had pole dancers too~!
But what's that? Poor Howard looks disgusted??
I wonder what he saw... hmmm

Among the calender girls which appeared on stage that night...
It's hard to capture the perfect moment for them,
because they were moving too quickly...
"Ladies, though it's called the runway, you don't need to rush..."

The Sister (Diese) and Brother (Hadi)!

And finally all the calender girls~
Dang I forgotten to get numbers... LOL kidding...
That's all on Sensuala's,
this Jeffro leaving ya with a great view of a full moon!

Wow, the pole dancer looks very sturdy, look at her arms and the solid thighs. She looks like can lift up a guy leh.
ReplyDeleteYeah, for a moment I thought she was a guy! Her arms was quite muscular, even my friend Howard there was terrified LOL