Well, I guess this is a rather backdated post. Yeah, I’ve resigned from the company and I’m retiring as a Business Analyst only to go into what suits me better, which is Sales & Marketing. Though I’ve some basic exposure to Sales, but Marketing doesn’t appear all that foreign to me. I’m pretty enthusiastic about my new career… or should I say careers?
I’m changing profession is one thing, but I’m not just job hopping. I’m gonna be exploring the better side of me with hopes to solidify the strengths in the area I’m more comfortable with – Meeting people, making, negotiating and closing deals.
Just to share a little, I’ll be doing my best in simultaneously running several works – Insurance, Lifestyle Consultancy, Photography, eTrader and last but not least as a Sales person.
A little about Sales:
- It’s the only job that allows one to earn more than his basic; it is known as commission.
- Some of the big players in the world, came from sales background.
- Sales is something everyone has been doing since they were born.
- It allows one to learn how to be adaptive and responsive in a shorter amount of time.
- Not to forget, one will be able to familiarize and study the different types of people around.
As you see, most of the works I stated earlier has something to do with Sales, but not much on Marketing. I’m hoping to learn more from my new job which starts next year!