Sunday, September 06, 2009

A Great Evening Makes Me Happy

It's been a really long while since I last say my sis (pet-sis) Adeline. Been missing her a lot! So decided to meet up with her at Sunway, since I was free and it seemed like it was a great chance to catch up and all. Also, I met her friend Mimi, who's currently studying in India. Try and guess what she's taking up. A hint: spatula and scapel (okay maybe that's two hints, i don't care) =D Cool eh? I'd most probably be getting lotsa free treatments, as I know quite a number of doctors-to-be *grins*

A picture of us!
Mimi, Adeline, Yours trulay! =P

We had our warm chit chat at McD's as we couldn't decide on what to do (Man, that's how McD's make money, don't know where to go = McD's saja la) Right after that, we thought of catching a movie. It was either GI. Joe or Final Destination, but our luck wasn't around. Surprisingly, we saw a heck long queue for ticket purchase. My eyes grew BIG, as I know we'd be missing out not only on GI. Joe or Final Destination, but any other movies available.. =.=" So we gave up, and went bowling instead =D Not too bad eh?

To my surprise, I played well! Wootza!
After months of not playing...
but *ouch* right hand hurts now...
the usual weight I normal take on,
was way too small for my fat fingers.. T_T

After that, both of them headed home, while I had supper plans with Shaz *grins* We were discussing where to eat. So, where was the supper? Try and guess. (No hints this time xD)

Something to spice up the supper.. *winks* LOL
It then poured heavily *awwwh so romantic*
BUT EWWWW, wrong timing la k? wtf...

btw, the rose was for fun.. *grins* =P


  1. @Cath J:
    hehehe.. yeah me too!
    except for the part where my hand tends to ache alot after that.. =P
