Sunday, February 03, 2013

Day #32

It was nearly afternoon when he woke up. Wondering what to do, he asked her and her friend what they were going to do. They were going to attend an event that day, followed by a photo-shoot and an evening swim thereafter. He was invited along.

They headed to the event venue, but it took them longer than expected to reach there. He made a couple of wrong turns and his GPS went nuts on him; by the time they reached the venue, it was 3 hours late. Boy was he feeling bad about it. He was worried she'll flip, but she didn't and somewhat he was a little relieved. Knowing the event ended, they went around the place and after that, went for a little shopping.

He had common looks and his sense of fashion made him look more common - that explains why he doesn't stand out in a crowd. So, the girls decided to help him a little on his clothing selection. A major difference in the taste, but he knew that it is a needed change to break away from the old looks. He got a rough idea of what sort of clothes he should be getting. He also realized that he needed to be a little more buffed up, to fit into the newer look.

After the quick shopping, they went to an apartment (it's her colleague's) for a swim. On the way there, they stopped at a convenient shop to get some drinks. Swim + Drinks = An awesome session! Unfortunately, timing wasn't good enough. The apartment has issued a memo that the swimming pool is to undergo a maintenance period of a week. They were disappointed. But they continued on with a photo-shoot of her friend. Make-up session, fitting session and finally doing the shooting itself. It was quite a process. Modeling shoot isn't his forte so he couldn't help much. They had their drinks and toast to the night for being together.

Then, they headed for dinner. She recommended an awesome place for a Korean meal. They were so happy and contented with the food! They were very full and satisfied! He took care of the bill and they went home after that. What an enjoyable day it had been for him. Before he went to sleep, he was working out and setting out a 12 weeks workout regime to buff up. He didn't have much things at home, but he remembered some techniques which his personal trainer taught from some time ago.

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