Sunday, August 31, 2008

Web Hacking Talk @ APIIT

Last Tuesday, went back to college for a talk on Web Hacking by HITB in APIIT. Seriously either I was too noob, or I wasn't the type for hacking, not yet, I guess.

I COULDN'T UNDERSTAND MUCH OF WHAT THEY SAID, in regards of the terms they have used. I only know the theory, and if they showed the codes properly, I could probably interpret a lil' of it.

So guess what I end up doing? Hint: I took out my camera.

The Talker is on the left.
The right guy? The assistant.

Don't ask me why they're both on the floor.
Probably there weren't enough chairs.
(I know you sure ask why so I answered it first)

Looks like almost everyone got their seats
and are already listening to the talk

Guess again then..
There were many at the back that didn't

Then we had a short game time for hacking.
Use your skills man!
Can you spot me? Hint: I'm second in Level 2
note: by fluke only I got there..

Seriously, I have lots to learn about hacking. Though it's interesting, and of course TV shows you the easy part (like 5 secs hacking) but they skipped all the important parts.. Hahaha.. So that's all from Web Hacking talk.

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