Thursday, January 31, 2013

Day #29

Boy, was he sleepy that particular morning. Barely made it in time for office (not early enough to kick start his work) so he had to rush up some reports and clear some backlogs. Being caught up the whole morning, he barely had time to get his cup of tea. She texted that she was unhappy at work. He asked if she was alright and if she wanted to talk it out. She said she's in a meeting and will talk about it later. In that moment, he hoped that everything will be alright on her end; at the very least until the end of the day.

He had an important appointment that afternoon, because it's consider another major deal for him. Prepared the documents and went in. Within an hour, he was out of the meeting with a big smile! He was 90% sure he would be able to secure the deal. Then, he got a text from his ex-classmate on a favor to look for a venue for a fashion showcase. His ex-classmate also notified him that another ex-classmate will be back in KL this weekend, and they are all planning for a CNY reunion; told him to wait for good news.

Got back to office in time to complete some paperwork and he received a text from her. Somehow, she seemed to have misunderstood something about him. A pretty complicated thing because he didn't exactly put on the best impression from the beginning. But he wasn't too happy about the fact that his integrity was being questioned. He knew explaining wouldn't make a difference. He just left it at there. Time will reveal the truth, his steadfast belief.

But the incident affected his work for the remaining evening. It's alright coming from others, but he'd never expect her to think of him in that way. Guess it hurts more when someone whom you care a lot about, turns around and doubts you. For the first time, he snapped at his colleague. He was outraged. Only later that evening, when he came to his senses, he realized that he shouldn't be angry at all. She had every right to do so, because he didn't exactly had any solid proof nor a good impression to begin with. He put himself in her shoes and looked from her point of view, and he could see how she would have misunderstood the situation. He hopes that she is able to look pass the surface to figure out what happened.

It was no incident to keep at heart. And there's nothing he could do. So he continued his work, in a calmer manner. He did all he could until he was tired enough. Did some minor exercises and quickly prayed that things for her at work would go smoothly. He wishes that the waves of luck, success and awesomeness would flood into her vibes.

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